Mark Clark

The Problem of God

The Problem of God is written by a skeptic who became a Christian and then a pastor, all while exploring answers to the most difficult questions raised against Christianity. Mark grew up in an atheistic home, and after his father's death, began a skeptical search for truth through exploring science, philosophy, and history, asking the big questions of life, and eventually finding answers in Christianity.
In a disarming, winsome, and persuasive way, The Problem of God responds to the top ten questions people raise against God, and Christianity, including, among others:
The Problem of ScienceThe Problem of God's ExistenceThe Problem of the BibleThe Problem of Evil and SufferingThe Problem of HellThe Problem of SexThe Problem of Hypocrisy  Each chapter answers the specific challenge using a mix of theology, philosophy, and science on the one hand, while also using stories, illustrations, and anecdotes. It's apologetics for the rest of us, focused on both convincing the skeptic, and informing the Christian.
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Mark Clark
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