Kathleen Grace

Prince Not So Charming

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In “Prince Not So Charming”, Cinderella has finally met the man of her dreams. But she quickly learns that people can be deceiving. In this modern-day tale, you’ll take a riveting journey with Cinderella as she navigates romance, emotional upheaval, and near-financial death experiences---all of which lead her to find inner strength despite seemingly insurmountable setbacks. Whether you’re a high-powered corporate executive or a single mom working to make ends meet, “Prince Not So Charming” will encourage you to claim your power to create financial change. Cinderella’s story is one that many women can relate to, and a call to action for all women who seek to secure their financial futures and protect those they love.
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  • kagisomathabathe7idézettelőző év
    unfortunate conclusion that Prince Charming exists only in fairy tales.
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