Stacey Donovan


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This complex and lyrical coming-of-age novel portrays the messiness of teenage life as V learns to confront her problems.
Virginia “V” Dunn is alone when a hit-and-run accident leaves her dog, Lucky, bleeding and helpless. Suddenly, the monotony of her suburban life dissolves: Lucky is in a cast, her best friend is avoiding her, her mother’s drinking is getting worse, and her father is sick with a mysterious illness. Although V is surrounded by family, she is the loneliest girl in town.
In her search for answers to life’s difficult questions—about death, friendship, family and betrayal—V is floundering. Until she meets the captivating Jane.
But her new love also leads to confusion, until V realizes the only way forward is to dive in, even if it means breaking every rule.
Acclaimed author Stacey Donovan’s thought-provoking novel, Dive is filled with the poetry, drama, and beauty of young love, and touches on the importance of finding out who you really are.
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  • b9953100195idézett2 évvel ezelőtt
    “A crazy mutt,” my mother said. She didn’t laugh.

    Ohhhh, I'm going to hate the mom, aren't I?

  • b9953100195idézett2 évvel ezelőtt
    I wish I could just shut my eyes. But even when they’re closed, I can still see it.


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