Eleanor Brown

The Light of Paris

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From the bestselling author of THE WEIRD SISTERS comes an enchanting tale of self-discovery that will strike a chord with anyone who has ever felt they’ve lost their way.
‘I adored The Light of Paris. It’s so lovely and big-hearted’ JOJO MOYES
‘Soulfulness and emotional insight meet laugh-out-loud humour’ PAULA McLAIN, author of The Paris Wife
Chicago, 1999.
Madeleine is trapped — by her family’s expectations, by her controlling husband — in an unhappy marriage and a life she never wanted. But when she finds a diary detailing her grandmother Margie’s trip to Jazz Age Paris, she meets a woman she never knew: a dreamer who defied her strict family and spent a summer living on her own, and falling for a charismatic artist.
When Madeleine’s marriage is threatened, she escapes to her hometown to stay with her disapproving mother. Shaken by the revelation of a family secret and inspired by her grandmother’s bravery, Madeleine creates her own summer of joy. In reconnecting with her love of painting and cultivating a new circle of friends, the chance of a new life emerges — but will she be bold enough take it?
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