bookmate game
David Sedaris


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David Sedaris returns with his most deeply personal and darkly hilarious book.
If you've ever laughed your way through David Sedaris's cheerfully misanthropic stories, you might think you know what you're getting with Calypso. You'd be wrong.
When he buys a beach house on the Carolina coast, Sedaris envisions long, relaxing vacations spent playing board games and lounging in the sun with those he loves most. And life at the Sea Section, as he names the vacation home, is exactly as idyllic as he imagined, except for one tiny, vexing realization: it's impossible to take a vacation from yourself.
With Calypso, Sedaris sets his formidable powers of observation toward middle age and mortality. Make no mistake: these stories are very, very funny-it's a book that can make you laugh 'til you snort, the way only family can. Sedaris's powers of observation have never been sharper, and his ability to shock readers into laughter unparalleled. But much of the…
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  • Настя Мозговаяmegosztott egy benyomást2 évvel ezelőtt
    👍Érdemes elolvasni

    Sedaris is one of a kind. Sharp, hilarious, unapologetically rude.


  • Настя Мозговаяidézett2 évvel ezelőtt
    Who does this—goes to the shows of people they’re supposed to be proud of and counts the empty seats?
  • Настя Мозговаяidézett2 évvel ezelőtt
    What can I do to make him like me? I used to wonder. The harder I tried to mold myself into the sort of son I thought he wanted, the more contemptuous he became, and so eventually I quit trying and founded the opposition party, which I still lead to this day. Whatever he’s for, I’m against. Almost.
  • Настя Мозговаяidézett2 évvel ezelőtt
    I’m not sure how it is in small families, but in large ones relationships tend to shift over time.


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