Olivia Russo

Eating Raw Food for Holistic Health & Beauty : 200 Gourmet Recipes for Balancing Weight & Total Well Being

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The RAW FOOD DIET is a philosophy and lifestyle choice in which a person eats at least 75% of the food that has not been processed or heated above 116° F (47° C). Usually it consists of fresh fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, sprouted grains, and seasonings which is nutrients, & fiber rich but low in fat and sugars. Raw Food is the most wholesome for the body, it leads to a leaner body, more energy,clearer skin, improved digestion, stronger immune system, increased mental clarity and improved overall health. Eat RAW FOOD which is naturally low in sodium but high in vitamins,minerals & fiber to keep hunger at bay. Enjoy the incredibly delicious and diverse recipes for fewer digestive problems, improved complexion, not to mention, rapid weight loss.
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