bookmate game
Terry Goodkind

Witch's Oath

Richard knew that there would be no help coming. It was all up to him to stop the threat or Kahlan would die.
They all would die.
Nine companions — Richard, Kahlan, the witch woman Shale and six Mord-Sith, Rikka, Vale, Cassia, Nyda, Berdine and Vika — are hunting a warlock in the waterlogged depths of the People's Palace. It will take all their skills to close on their quarry, but do any of them understand the true power of a Witch's Oath?
Witch's Oath is the fourth episode in Terry Goodkind's new serial novel, The Children of D'Hara. Told in irresistibly intense installments, this is the story of a world confronted by an apocalyptic nightmare.
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John Skelley
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