Autumn Reed


I returned to Moss Harbor, determined to find answers about my mother's death. But all I've managed to uncover are three lonely souls calling out to mine.
In just a month, Leo, Hayle, and Tristin Sharpe have wound themselves around my heart, reminding me of what I've been missing. I want them back in my life for good, but I should have known that maintaining a friendship with three tempting brothers could never be simple.
Leo is intent on wooing me, Hayle keeps drawing me in with his quiet support, and Tristin is doing his level best to push me away. All the while, their father lurks behind the scenes, manipulating us all.
I don't want to play into Vincent's hand, but I'm starting to realize it may be the only way to stay in the game.

**Heartless is the second book in the Lonely Souls trilogy, a contemporary reverse harem inspired by the characters of The Wonderful Wizard of Oz.
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