Timothy Willink

Stress Management

★☆ Does Fear or Stress Overwhelms You From Time To Time? Hey! Did You Know That 75% of Adults Suffer From Stress? ☆★

It's a growing problem of our society: stress. Everyday, we’re bombarded by hundreds of emails, messages, tight schedules, deadlines and mountains of workload piling on our back. If you don’t know hot to deal with it, stress starts accumulating to a point where you feel overwhelmed and exhausted. This book “Stress Management” will be a powerful guide to take you away from stress. With the right tools and methods, your mind will know exactly how to take care of it!
Know your mind from the inside, and develop your skills in order to keep stress away. Your biggest strength is already inside you and this book teaches you how to unleash it!

“It’s Not the Load That Breaks You Down, It’s the Way You Carry It” – Lou Holtz

Stress is the number one factor to exhaustion. Recent studies show that 80% of employees feel stressed while they work. This means 8 in 10 employees suffer with stress, day after day. Stress has a snowball effect: it settles in and COMPOUNDS every day, unless you eliminate them. Stress can lead to depression, breakdown of the nervous system, and heart problems. It's not just your mind that gets clogged with it.
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