Anna Carven

Infinity's Embrace

Rescued from captivity by a group of rather intimidating Kordolians, Noa finds herself recovering at a strange facility in the middle of the desert. SynCorp's medical experiments have left her with an impossible ability she can't control, and nobody really seems to know how to help her. She's fragile and shattered, a mere shadow of her former self, and she has nowhere else to go.
She doesn't know what to make of the Kordolians, especially when she can't stop their thoughts from leaking into her mind. The silver-skinned warriors are both terrifying and protective, and when she encounters a dark, mysterious presence in the most unlikely of places, she realizes that at least one of them might possess abilities similar to her own.
The question is, does this intimidating being intend to help her, or harm her?
Contains mature themes.
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Jillian Macie
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