Mondo Collections

A Confidence Boost Collection: Develop a Positive Self Image with Mindfulness Meditation and Affirmations

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Too often we focus on what we don’t like about ourselves and what we wish we could change. Although it’s good to grow and evolve, it’s important to know where our strengths lie and appreciate them. Everyone has a unique combination of valuable traits.

This program has been designed to help you discover your best qualities so you can let them shine.

This program can help you:

• Realize your true value
• Increase confidence in yourself
• Raise your self esteem

The audiobook includes:

• Chapter 1: Mindfulness Meditation
• Chapters 2 to 7: Daytime Affirmations
• Chapters 8 and 9: Subliminal Affirmations

Listen to the subliminal affirmations on a low volume either before or during sleep.

Knowing who you are and what you are capable of achieving is key to living an adventurous, satisfying life. Focus on what you love about yourself and your confidence will grow to new heights.
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