Eva Chase

Cruel Magic

A long-lost heir to dark magic royalty. A brutal power she never wanted. But these villains aren't giving her a choice.
When mages slaughter my parents in front of me, I have no time to mourn. The murderers drag me into a society of dark magic where power is created by fear.
It turns out I'm the long-lost heir to one of their royal families—guaranteed to possess a talent even more vicious than most. And I'm trapped here until I accept my role.
But I don't want these wicked skills I have no idea how to tap into. I don't want the mansion or the fancy clothes or the massive bank account I inherited.
I especially don't want the attention of my fellow heirs: four scorching-hot, arrogant men who rule this place and crush anyone who doesn't kowtow.
All I really want is my family back... but I can't have that. So I'll take what I can get to avenge the people I loved.
The moment I master the dark power inside me, I’m burning this place to the ground.
*Cruel Magic is the first in a university-age paranormal academy series. Expect magical villainy, a tough heroine who bends to no one’s will, a dollop of steam, and a heart-wrenching enemies-to-lovers reverse harem romance.*
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