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ReShonda Tate Billingsley

The Pastor's Wife

From best-selling author ReShonda Tate Billinglsey comes a charming novel filled with love, laughter, inspiration, and drama as Pastor Terrance searches for his Mrs. Right.
Most men barely survive one mother, but Terrance Ellis has three: his aunts. His grandmother Essie's sisters — Eva, Dorothy Mae, and Mamie — lovingly raised him after Essie died in a tragic accident. They made sure that troubled young Terrance got on the right path and made something of his life. And now that he's all grown up and the rising pastor of Houston's Lily Grove church, the endlessly argumentative sisters agree on one thing: Terrance needs to find a wife. And not just any wife — but the right young woman to stand beside him as First Lady of Lily Grove at the fast-approaching 100th year Christmas service.
Humble and handsome, Terrance is focused on preaching more than dating and has kindly fended off the advances of more than a few perfectly available ladies. So why, of all women, is outrageous, flirtatious Savannah McKinney drawing him in? Seeing Terrance falling under her seductive spell has got his aunts frantically matchmaking since time is running out and gossip is flying. Who will be the pastor's wife? Only heaven knows for sure...and before he finds her, some surprising and dramatic revelations are in store for Terrance, his congregation, and the three aunts who love him most in the world.
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