Sandra Byrd

Let them Eat Cake

What do you do when you’ve got a degree in French and absolutely no job prospects? You slide into your favorite French bakery, of course! When a lighthearted conversation with the manager of the local patisserie turns into a job offer, Lexi Stuart gladly accepts. She’s put in charge of a high-end catering bakery, but there’s a catch: she has to make this lavish bakery into a successful business in just a few, short months. In over her head and at a loss for creative marketing ideas, Lexi can’t compose the perfect recipe for success.

Sandra is an American bestselling author of young adult fiction, romance and historical fiction. Her novels are often nominated for prizes and regularly appear on in various publications top pick lists. Her work includes the "Ladies in Waiting" series, the "Daughters of Hampshire" series and the "French Twist" series.
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