Annie England Noblin

Sit! Stay! Speak!

Addie Andrews is living a life interrupted. Tragedy sent her fleeing from Chicago to the shelter of an unexpected inheritance-her beloved aunt's somewhat dilapidated home in Eunice, Arkansas, population very tiny. There she reconnects with some of her most cherished childhood memories. If only they didn't make her feel so much!

People say nothing happens in small towns, but Addie quickly learns better. She's got an elderly next-door neighbor who perplexingly dances outside in his underwear, a house needing more work than she has money, a best friend whose son uncannily predicts the weather, and a local drug dealer holding a massive grudge against her.

Most surprising of all, she's got a dog. But not any dog: a bedraggled puppy she discovered abandoned, lost, and in desperate need of love. Kind of like Addie herself. She'd come to Eunice hoping to hide from the world, but soon she discovers that perhaps she's finding the way back-to living, laughing, and loving once more.
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