Jenni Jennings

A Trick of Time

Prepare yourself for even more mischief than before with this gorgeously gothic series!

Malice Morbid Malign isn't like the rest of her family.

But when her younger sister Antipathy-Rose finds a sphere of solid Amber in one of the forbidden swag rooms at Malignant House, and bites right through it, she unwittingly unleashes a world of trouble. Trapped within the Amber sphere is Maniacal Malign's time-stopping pocket watch.

Maniacal Malign had been in exile for several centuries but the moment Antipathy-Rose's gnashers crack the Amber, he is summoned back to monstrous action. Malice, Uncle Vex and Seth find themselves on a time-sensitive mission, as they race to retrieve the pocket watch, whilst unravelling Maniacal's malevolent mischief along the way.

- The perfect listen for Amelia Fang fans.
- An ideal gift for listeners for Halloween and beyond.
- This funny, warm-hearted, spooky series will delight and enchant listeners aged 8+.
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