Marie Booth

Falling Hard: Santa Cruz Shifters 3

A M/M Shifter Romance: Enemies to Lovers/Fated Mates
Haven is set on a two year journey to find his mate
Haven and his tiger half can't wait to set off on the traditional trek. An unmated male, he'll be searching for territory, but also a lifemate. The best part? He's leaving that egocentric, narcissistic jerk, Ramon, behind. Yeah, he's hot as hades, but he's also a player. Tigers mate for life, and Ramon can't be trusted. Hopefully, they won't meet again for years.
Ramon is positive Haven belongs to him.
Haven thinks he's leaving without him, but that's never going to happen. Unfortunately, the male is planning on trekking through the High Sierra wilderness. The closest Ramon has ever been to a forest was when he and his sisters used to hang in Golden Gate Park.
But Ramon has struggled though hard times before. Hiking and camping beside the male he intends to spend his forever with should be a breeze compared to what Ramon and his sisters have already lived through. One way or the other, he's gonna find a way to convince Haven to come home, even if he has to follow him to the top of the highest mountain.
"The post-apocalyptic Santa Cruz Shifter world has a community of awesome characters who all make sense together!" Goodreads Reviewer
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Tim Paige, Will Watt
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