Rachel Hollis

74: How To Set Yourself Up For Success: A Sneak Peek of Our Documentary "Made for More"

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On this week's Podcast, we're releasing an exclusive sneak peek of what you'll see in our documentary, "Made For More," hitting theaters for two nights only, January 2nd and January 9th. This is a portion of my keynote from RISE 2018, in which I talked about how I set myself up for success. So many times we talk vaguely about "working hard" or "staying committed," but I wanted to lay out some simple and practical tools and solutions that help me stay focused and be successful. Get your tickets for "Made For More" on January 2nd and January 9th right here: https://www.fathomevents.com/events/rachel-hollis-presents-made-for-more-encore?date=2019-01-02
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