Riley Edwards


Nolan Clark is the last man standing. While he is happy his teammates have found love, he's even happier to be single. But fate is a funny thing. When a one-night stand turns into a friends with benefits agreement, he starts to question why he's holding the beautiful Reagan at arm's length.

Nolan Clark should've been off-limits. He's my closest friend's teammate and a man that I'm not prepared for. I lied and told him I understood he'd never offer me a white picket fence and jumped straight into bed when he offered me the only thing he could...sex.

With every smile, every touch, and every sizzling kiss, I fall deeper in love. When the day comes for me to move 500 miles away to start a new job, he doesn't stop me. Days pass, then weeks, and Nolan Clark does exactly what he said he was going to do - loses my number.

When Reagan stumbles onto some information she shouldn't, and her life is threatened, will Clark and the 707 get there in time to save her? Or will she die alone and broken-hearted in the middle of the Gulf of Mexico?

Contains mature themes.
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