David Graham

From Killer To Common Cold

We cannot eradicate Covid-19, but humans can help the virus grow to be more benign. To get there, we must enter the Transitional Phase, when Covid-19 transforms from pandemic to another common cold coronavirus. Understanding what a virus wants and how a virus views the world helps. With knowledge of existing human coronaviruses and basic viral/host interactions, we come to understand that herd protection—not herd immunity—is the goal. Immunity is not permanent from coronaviruses, and a vaccine will not be a silver bullet for the vampire that lives within our cells. After the epidemics are over, new cases do not go away. With or without a vaccine, we must learn how to live with Covid-19 in the world. What will the next few years look like? How can you protect yourself? And how can we help Covid-19 reach its destiny—to become the common cold?
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