Colin Cotterill

Grandad, There's a Head on the Beach

In the sequel to Killed at the Whim of a Hat, crime reporter Jimm Juree discovers that life in rural Thailand with her eccentric family is anything but dull—in fact, it’s downright deadly.

How do you respond when you wake up to find a severed head on your resort-front beach in the morning? If you’re frustrated ex-crime reporter Jimm Juree, you take action. With her former cop grandfather as back up, she sets out to discover how the poor fellow ended up where he did—and why. On their journey, with the rest of their disjointed family in tow, they uncover gruesome tales of piracy and slavery, violence and murder in the Gulf of Thailand. Are the authorities uninterested because they’re involved, or because the victims aren’t Thai? Whatever the reason, Jimm and her team are going it alone and their lives are under threat. And who exactly are those two elegant women in cabin three and why has the engine number of their car been filed away? Airport hostages and hand grenades, monkeys and naked policemen—once more the sublime and the ridiculous clash at the Gulf Bay Lovely Resort and Restaurant.
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