Laurel Schmidt

How to Be Dead---A Love Story

How to Be Dead — A Love Story by Laurel Schmidt explores what it means to be fully alive — even in the afterlife. A tale told with humor, heart and intelligence, it celebrates the power of memory and the lifesaving potential of an excellent espresso.
Frances Beacon, longevity guru and best-selling author of Sex, Drugs and Social Security, is at the peak of her second career when a New York City cab catapults her into the afterlife. Shocked, confused, and royally pissed, all she wants is to go home. Instead, she’s enrolled in the University of the Afterlife, where this over-achiever turns into a dropout after being hit with a tsunami of obstacles. Frances spars with a host of bureaucrats, misogynists, and a mysterious Court that can condemn her to frigus repono —permanent cold storage. But her fiercest opponent is her own heart, the thing she must explore and embrace to win her freedom. In this compassionate, comedic saga of self-discovery, Frances learns that the only way to live again is to learn how to be dead.
“Schmidt writes all of this good absurdist fun with unflagging energy, a surprising amount of life wisdom smuggled in among the satire, and, most of all, a consistently sharp, comedic ear—this is a very amusing novel. The author also delivers a moving story with an intriguing protagonist who recognizes her shortcomings. Readers will be rooting for Frances, flaws and all, from the first page. An unexpectedly touching, laugh-out-loud afterlife adventure.”  KIRKUS REVIEWS
“A fiery fictional take on life and death sure to engage anyone who wants to rediscover that “life is a gift.” Great for fans of Camille Pagán’s Forever is the Worst Long Time, Delia Owens’s Where the Crawdads Sing.” BookLife/Publishers Weekly
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