Talia Hibbert

Bad for the Boss

Nobody denies the boss. Until her.

Theodore Chamberlain is known for his cold focus and harsh demands—in the boardroom and the bedroom. His employees call him inhuman, all-powerful, terrifying. Theo calls them idiots.

Until he meets a fierce new hire with knockout curves and a mind like a whip. Suddenly, Theo no longer wants to be feared . . .

As a child, Jennifer Johnson survived hell. But these days, hell better look out for her. There's no way strong, smart Jen's going to risk it all for some forbidden office romance. Her older, domineering boss might be hot as sin, but she's the one who'd end up burned.

The problem is, beneath his commanding façade, Theo's surprisingly sweet . . . and extremely difficult to resist.

When a threat from Jen's past resurfaces, her powerful boss becomes her unflinching protector. Can Theo save Jen from the evil that stalks her? And will Jen ever give in to her desires and dare to be bad for the boss?

Contains mature themes.
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