Jacintha Dolly,N.T. Landen

Pain Relief Secret Bundle, 2 in 1 Bundle

Pain Relief Secret Bundle, 2 in 1 Bundle: Cupping Therapy Guide and Understanding Back Pain
Back pain can occur for a range of reasons that are either structural, musculoskeletal, nerve-based, or a sign of an underlying disorder. Most back pain is structural or musculoskeletal and the nerves can be affected by changes in the structure of the spine. Injury is the most common cause of back pain. It is often related to picking up things in such a way as to harm the spine, its nerves, or the muscles around it. With all sorts of disease outbreaks and chronic illnesses happening today, people are looking for alternative treatment therapies to supplement existing western pharmacological methods. Side effects have always been one of the problems of common western medicine. Alternative or holistic treatment methods have been proven to be effective and also have fewer or no side effects, thus encouraging more and more people to search for such methods.
In this bundle, you will learn about back pain and back pain relief. Learn how to treat your back through all the available treatments and medications. You will also learn about one of the most highly sought-after traditional Chinese treatment methods besides acupuncture, known as Cupping.
This 2 in 1 bundle includes the following audiobooks:
Cupping Therapy Guide: The Essential Guide on How to Use Cupping Therapy for Healing, Pain Relief, Reducing Inflammation and Injury PreventionUnderstanding Back Pain: The Essential Guide on How to Treat Your Back, Learn About Back Pain and All the Available Treatments and Medications for Back Pain ReliefGet your copy of Pain Relief Secret 2 in 1 Bundle today!
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