R.L. King


A Whole New World
When Alastair Stone chooses to remain in captivity to save his son, he has no idea how much his life is about to change.
While he does manage to break free from his bizarre prison, his newfound freedom doesn’t come without a price. Everything around him is different—the world, his friends, what he thinks he knows about what he left behind. And despite all the power he commands, he can’t do a thing to fix any of it.
Worse, he’s still bound by an oath he made to his captor—and that contract is now coming due.
Still adjusting to the upheaval that is his life, Stone heads to a pair of tiny, remote towns that share a deadly secret. If he can’t figure out what his captor wants from the towns and find a way around it, hundreds of people could die.
And that isn’t even the worst part.
Welcome to your new world, Dr. Stone. You’d better get up to speed fast.
Prepare to lose yourself in this #1 Amazon-bestselling urban fantasy series readers are calling “Unstoppable” and “A major winner!” Once you enter the world of Alastair Stone, you won’t want to leave.
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Will M. Watt
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