Brock Bloodworth,H. Claire Taylor

Shift Out of Luck

Disappearing werewolf teens. Killer clown sightings. Can this cop thwart a rising conspiracy before it sprouts fangs?Officer Norman Green is the unluckiest cop in the Kilhaven Police Department. And not just because he’s a human in a city teeming with meth-addicted shapeshifters. With a leprechaun’s curse hanging over his head, he’s doing what he can to serve his community without dragging it down with him, but that becomes harder when fellow cursed officer Heather Valance returns from her clandestine vacation.
When a vampire detective joins the Fang 900s, it looks like Green’s luck has officially run out. And with more children disappearing from affluent werewolf families and a criminal magician who keeps pulling a vanishing act, this rookie could really use a little good fortune if he hopes to cut through the tangled web of lies, fangs, and fur. Especially when Valance has her eye on a new in-sector pet project…
Shift Out of Luck is the third book in the Kilhaven Police series. If you like dark comedy, gritty urban fantasy, and duty-bound law enforcement, you’ll love Brock Bloodworth and H. Claire Taylor’s supernatural police procedural.
Buy Shift Out of Luck to sink your fangs into this supernatural thrill ride now!
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FFS Media
Adam Verner
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