
Remote Work Reality and How To Manage Distributed Teams

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What is work culture like when you work remotely?
What is the reality when dealing with distributed teams across the world?
Tune in today as my good friend, Fred Perrotta from Tortuga Backpacks returns....you'll get all kinds of tips including:
How to run a remote team (or distributed teams) How to manage the culture and people who are working with you from around the world How to put it all together to make it work! All while still enjoying the freedom to travel and explore.
You'll Learn: When you realize how the traditional working environment is not for you General advice for building your own thing How to find the right people (to work with you and your distributed teams) Helpful exercise to create a kick ass company culture Mistakes to avoid when bringing on a new member And so much more Resources: Tortuga Backpacks Top 11 Digital Nomad Hotspots The Paradise Pack Slack Who Fivver Upwork HelpScout Asana Gusto Transfer Wise Buffer Fred Perrotta Fred Perrotta Blog On Your Terms @FredPerrotta Want more Zero To Travel Podcasts? Be sure to check out the archives now!
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