A.T. Carrol

HIIT Exercises

HIIT Exercises: The Complete Guide on the Highly Effective HIIT Workouts That Would Help Melt Fat and Keep You Fit
Think working out has to be hard? Think again! HIIT workouts appear to do the impossible by helping you to burn more calories than a 40-minute run in a quarter of that time! Better yet, they also build muscle, improve athletic performance and give you more energy. They’ve been transforming the lives of people all around the world and if you want to achieve one of those ‘cover model physiques’  then this is probably just what you’re looking for.
In this audiobook, you will learn all about high-intensity interval training exercises. You will discover that there’s a lot more to HIIT than just the basic alternating speeds; we’ll learn some advanced techniques like cardio acceleration, fartlek training,  speed drills, concurrent training, metcon, tabata, finishers, and more.
This audiobook will discuss the following topics:
Cardio Training, Then and Now Benefits of HIITScience of HIIT, Understanding Your Body So You Can Get More Out of ItHow to Start HIIT Training With RunningHow to Build Up a Basic Level of FitnessTips for Better HIIT ResultsAdvanced HIIT Protocols – Tabata, MetCon, and Cardio AccelerationAdd HIIT to a Healthy LifestyleAnd much much more!To learn more, download your copy of this audiobook today!
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