Donna Prince

Start a Conversation

Are you worried about social anxiety, how to listen, what to say and how to be interesting in your communication? Then keep reading...
Never worry about what to do to get started and during a conversation.
“Start a Conversation” teaches you how to become an expert at small talk and how to improve your social skills.
This guide will make you a person with charisma that people love to talk to.

A tiny part of what you’ll find in this book:
Overcoming ShynessExamples to Start a ConversationHow to Improve your Social SkillsHow to Overcome the Approach AnxietyThe 3 SECONDS ruleHow to Speak in Public...And much much more...

Even if you are extremely afraid of being in social situations and think you have a bland and uninteresting personality, this guide will teach you the secrets of being an expert conversationalist.

So, don't waste any more time, scroll up and Buy this book!
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