Krista O'Reilly-Davi-Digui of A Life In Progress

1646: We Can Run But We Can't Hide by Krista O'Reilly-Davi-Digui of A Life In Progress on Reflection & Personal Growth

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Krista O'Reilly-Davi-Digui of A Life In Progress shares her thoughts on reflection. Episode 1646: We Can Run But We Can't Hide by Krista O'Reilly-Davi-Digui of A Life In Progress on Reflection & Personal Growth Krista O'Reilly-Davi-Digui's mission as a Joyful Living Educator is to help messy humans like herself quiet the noise of perfectionism, comparison and fear to show up fully to their imperfect and beautiful lives and/or businesses. Her message can be summed up in 3 sentences: You're imperfect; Life is messy; Show up anyway. Krista will help you figure out how. She has a new Seasonal Mindfulness Journal available here: The original post is located here:  and in  and !
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