Four houses. Traditions. Secrets. And romance waiting at every turn. Welcome to Lunar Academy. Which house will you choose?
Faith Brooks thinks of the academy as a new beginning. It's a way for her to put a traumatic event behind her and create a new life for herself. One where she understands her wolf as much as her vampire. And, one where she doesn't repeat past mistakes by falling for a guy who's unable to love. Too bad the academy doesn't teach students to tame their wild hearts as well as their wolves.
Axel Stone is a rough-around-the-edges, tattooed, bad boy. His fists are his only way at maintaining his sanity, but he's ready to learn more control over his demons. The academy is his ticket to learning how to find balance within himself and to keep a promise he made to someone he lost. No one will distract him from keeping that promise. Until he meets Faith.
Pulled together into the mysterious disappearance of a friend, the two discover the heart wants what the heart wants and love sometimes finds those who aren't looking.
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