Dan Andrews

TMBA390: How to Get Better at Sales

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http://www.tropicalmba.com/salestechniques/ One of the topics that Dan and Ian have repeatedly been asked to talk about on this show is sales.

The reality for the majority of the entrepreneurs who listen to this show is that their businesses live or die by their sales funnel. It's also one of the number one things that entrepreneurs struggle to get good at.

When Dan and Ian decided to do this episode, they knew there was only one person that they could call to talk about how to really get better at sales.
John Logar is an extremely talented and successful salesperson, and he has always been very generous about sharing his advice on sales.

On this week's show, John shares some of those insights, including a 4 step daily process that John guarantees will bring you more sales.

This isn't going to be a drive by, top ten list type of an episode. This is a deep dive into the type of skills and habits that will help you build a better, more profitable sales funnel for your business.
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