
The Marketing Secrets That Built a $100 Million Business... with Dave Woodward

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If you want to learn how to become more effective at online marketing… this is the episode you’ve been waiting for.

Today we sit down with Dave Woodward… The Chief Revenue Development Officer for ClickFunnels.com.
ClickFunnels is an all-in-one online marketing system that was started by my good friend Russell Brunson, and Dave is the man in charge of growing their customer base.

And by the way, if you haven’t had a chance to go watch his lesson here at SelfMadeMan.com, make sure you do that ASAP. The feedback we’ve been getting from everyone who’s seen it has been awesome.   Now here’s what’s really exciting…    This year, ClickFunnels will do around $170,000,000 in revenue, which will give them a valuation of around $1 Billion dollars.   So how did they do it?   Well today you’re going to find out as Dave and I discuss all of the latest marketing trends, and the strategies that have been working best for them…   We’ll dive into email marketing, social media, YouTube, mobile payments, webinars, and let you know what’s working best today.
Self Made Man
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