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Suzanne C. Carlsson

Shut Up and Listen

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Do you want to avoid misunderstandings and live a happier life with your loved one?
In that case, active listening can be the key.
In a world filled with constant chatter and distractions, we often forget the profound impact that genuine listening can have on our relationships. The book is engaging and a quick, practical, and enjoyable read that will help you embark on a journey to unlock the secret to forge a deeper relationship with your loved one.
Misunderstandings can sow seeds of doubt and mistrust, eroding even the strongest bonds. Without listening skills, minor misunderstandings can grow into big problems. Listening to your loved one in new ways can be the key to a new kind of closeness and trust.
With the help of this practical guidebook, you will:
Understand what active listening is and how it can help you transform your relationshipUnderstand why empathy is a foundation for active listening and how you practice itWhat the obstacles to active listening are, and how to avoid themGet 11 practical exercises to help you become an active listener and create a deeper bond with your loved oneGet many examples of how the exercises have helped othersAnd much more!Be ready to experience the true power of active listening and take your relationship to the next level.
Shawna Wolf
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