Wanda E. Brunstetter

The Celebration

Return to Holmes County, Ohio, for Amish style cooking class.
Lyle and Heidi Troyer have taken in a brother and sister, who were orphaned when their parents were killed in a car accident. Hoping to help the children adapt and make friends, Heidi decides to hold a series of cooking classes for kids. But kids are always accompanied by an adult—and that is where the trouble arises.
Miranda Cooper is living the life of a single mom to her two kids while separated from her husband, but Trent is trying to worm his way back into her heart.
Denise McGuire's life as a wife, mom, and real estate broker is full and spilling over.
Darren Keller, single dad and firefighter, and Ellen Blackburn, single mom and nurse, find a few things in common.
Will hearts be healed over plates of Amish food?
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