Steven Moore,Luke Richardson

Set Them Free

Kayla Stone heads to Dubai with one thing on her mind. Justice.But, when the glimmering Arabian lights refuse to part with their secrets, Kayla must cross into the city’s dark side.
Attempting to bring down a global effort to kidnap and sell children, Kayla vows to stop the criminals in their tracks.
This time the stakes are higher.
This time even more lives are on the line.
This time Kayla’s fighting in unfamiliar territory.
In an attempt to silence her own demons and bring down the enterprise, Kayla follows a dark, twisting trail, from the crystalline villas of The Palm to a disused oil refinery in the harsh desert.
Can she stop the trade before it’s too late? Or, in the desert land, where death, deceit and dirhams are the currency, will she become just another sale?
From Amazon bestsellers Steven Moore and Luke Richardson, Set Them Free is second book in the relentless new Kayla Stone vigilante thriller series. If you like Nick Thacker, Ernest Dempsey, and Russell Blake, then you’ll love this explosive new series.
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