G.S. Hayashi


The Earth 's consciousness is supporting humanity's awakening to the rediscovery of early and forgotten healing arts, like the utilization of crystals.
Crystals are members of the mineralogical kingdom and consequently are common energies that enable anyone to touch and synthesize these single energies for integration and healing. Each crystal has the own "personality" of theirs and may be employed in special ways to help comprehension of the dynamics of presence on the Earth plane. Crystals are nature 's present to males and are discovered in all shapes, colors, sizes, and composition. They each have a distinctive vibrational resonance as a result of their altering mineral contents, the inherent geometry of theirs, so the color frequency they emit; thus may be effective healing tools.
Crystal healing is a technique of healing whereby crystals or maybe gemstones are positioned on and near the entire body, on the chakras (spiritual power centers), utilized as reflexology equipment to promote areas on the foot, used, or even maybe positioned in as well as around one 's house to improve feng shui energy. Precisely the same color crystals will be put on the corresponding chakra to improve the flow of electricity or even one can just remain as well as meditate by holding the crystal in the hands or even on the third eye (6th chakra) to get messages or energy. They heal holistically on actual physical, psychological, emotional, as well as spiritual levels, helping steer the flow of electricity to a specific component of the entire body, regain balance, and eventually purify by releasing as well as clearing blocked energy.
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