Kast Media

Podcast Blackout

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In light of this week’s demonstrations against racial violence and police brutality in America, it did not feel right for us to disregard the current climate and post an episode of ATWWD. Instead, as white folks, we feel it’s time to step out of frame and listen, learn, and absorb from Black voices, before taking action.

Instead, And That’s Why We Drink has decided, alongside several other podcasts, to participate in the Podcast Blackout in support of and in solidarity with this week’s demonstrations against police brutality and racial violence in America.

Instead of listening to this week’s episode, we urge you to take this time to do what you can to join the fight against racial injustice. If you are unable to protest, there are still countless ways to directly help the protest efforts. If you have the means, please consider donating to Campaign Zero, Reclaim the Block, the Black Visions Collective, or countless other local and national initiatives. You can also spend this time joining the clean-up efforts in your city, or educating yourself, family, and friends about the events that have let up to the current state of our country. Please visit tinyurl.com/blmforever for an extensive list of places to donate, petitions to sign, and tips for protesting safely.

Thank you, and we’ll be back next week. For now, we urge you to take action. Whatever you do, don’t do nothing. White silence is white violence.
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