Adam Schilling

Be Your Advocate

While in the midst of addictive behaviors, it can be easy to define ourselves by the worst things we’ve done. When moving away from addictive behaviors, it can be almost seductive to tell ourselves how unworthy and defective we are because of all the people we have hurt, including ourselves. The good news is that we have the power to decide who we are and what will become of our lives—not in spite of what we’ve been through, but because of what we’ve been through. We get to choose how to value all parts of our stories. As a teacher and guide, Dr. Adam Schilling relies on his professional experience as a coach of positive psychology, relationships, and addiction treatment to invite those battling addiction to use their experiences as a doorway to understanding the inherent goodness that lives within. As he presents various approaches to interacting with aspects of the mind and body, Dr. Schilling offers information and tools, specifically related to the voices in one’s own head, to cultivate a sense of awareness, acceptance, and even appreciation for the powerful process of uncovering what can be as opposed to recovering what was. By learning these skills, identifying negative factors driving addictive behaviors, and thinking and feeling through intentional lenses, new positive personal story lines can be developed and optimistic futures can be brightly forged. Through sharing practical wisdom, real-life stories, and positive perspectives, Be Your Advocate is an invitation to this well-lit path.
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