Bailey Bradford


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Aldric Beamer thought working in an antique shop would be safe and boring. He never expected to find his life—or his heart—in danger…
Being the low man on the totem pole is nothing new for Aldric Beamer. The youngest of three siblings, he was always the afterthought in his family, but Aldric's trying hard not to let the little confidence he has sink any lower.
Aldric loves the job he managed to land at Intrinsic Value, so much so that he often works off the clock—or maybe he doesn't want to go home to his empty apartment. Just as he's slowly learning to trust his boss and co-workers, he's attacked outside the store, and all the security he thought he had vanishes with the force of a blow to the head.
San Antonio cop Darrell Williams takes one look at the beautiful, bruised man he finds in a dingy alley behind an antiques store, and something in his heart melts. This weakness scares him, making Darrell gruff and indifferent when he should have been—and longs to be—compassionate and caring.
Aldric's no pushover, though. He's had enough of being ignored and treated like he doesn't matter as much as everyone else. And he'll make damn sure Patrol Officer Williams doesn't dismiss him in any way…
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Lantern Audio
Tony Desoto
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