
Debt, Default and the IMF in Argentina

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Why does the International Monetary Fund keep lending to a troubled country like Argentina? And what's the future of the IMF anyway? That's the focus of this week's episode, which covers some of the hottest topics during last week's annual meeting of the fund, which brought together officials from 189 countries along with experts from around the world.
In Washington, Stephanie speaks on an all-star panel with former India central bank chief Raghuram Rajan and ex-Bundesbank head Axel Weber, along with Columbia University professor Glenn Hubbard, a White House economic adviser under George W. Bush. We also hear from Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas President Robert Kaplan, who Stephanie asks for his thoughts on whether central banks can even influence inflation anymore.
But first, Latin America economic editor Bruce Douglas reports from Buenos Aires on just how deep Argentina's problems go — and whether they can be fixed. It's all part of Stephanomics's lead-up to Bloomberg's New Economy Forum in Beijing in November, where global governance will be high on the agenda.
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