Gary Paulsen


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Folsom, New Mexico is young Jim Stanton’s new home. His father has been given a wonderful job at Folsom National Laboratories. The company has provided the Stantons with everything they need, including a fabulous house and even a brand new car. The only trouble is that it all seems a little too perfect. Curious, Jim goes hiking in the nearby mountains, where he meets a strange girl and her father. Their warning about what the Stantons will have to sacrifice for their new, comfortable life sends Jim racing back to his family—and a perilous search through the lab. Project: A Perfect World is a gripping part of the Gary Paulsen World of Adventure series. Combining plenty of action with a story that is part suspense, part science fiction, it will attract listeners of all ages. Don’t miss the mind control survival guide at the conclusion of this fast-paced tale.
Jeff Woodman
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