André Klein

Learn German with Stories: Walzer in Wien - 10 Short Stories for Beginners

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Experience the seventh episode of the Dino lernt Deutsch story series for German learners on your stereo or headphones, at home or on the go!

The narration speed and style of this audiobook is aimed at beginners and intermediates, with special emphasis on clear pronunciation, so that you can easily pause and repeat words and phrases whenever you please.

Immerse yourself in the sounds and sights of the Austrian capital and learn German along the way! Delve into Viennese coffee house culture, wander along the banks of the Danube, stroll over the Prater amusement park, learn about local dialects, cuisine, customs and much more.

(To get the most out of this audiobook we recommend listening while reading through a paperback or ebook edition of "Learn German with Stories: Walzer in Wien – 10 Short Stories for Beginners" and working through the exercises.)

Featuring music provided by Exodus_sound / Pond5, and sounds from (via 'Creative Commons 0') with recordings by evsecrets, vampirella, uwesoundboiz, hintringer, hinzebeat, divinux, joebro10, splicesound, yakkall, rivernile7, mentalsanityoff, edhutschek, toddbradley, xef6, hargissssound, alienistcog, Torror, altfuture, wmquincy101, freesoundjon01, sniperous, zabuhailo, productionnow, nick121087, fillsoko, rpew1, wibwob, gr0paru, jakobhandersen, sagetyrtle, anagar, pagancow, johnsonbrandediting, lolamadeus, bcginn, pfannkuchn, Black Boe, rmutt
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André Klein
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