Shari L. Tapscott,Jake Andrews

Knight from the Ashes

The author of The Riven Kingdoms teams up with her husband to write an enemies-to-lovers fantasy romance full of humor, adventure, and a good helping of epic action.

With single-minded determination, Henrik has worked toward gaining his knighthood so he may rise above the lowly station in which he was born. But just when the coveted position is within his grasp, he’s tasked with a mission that proves to be far more difficult than expected—secretly keeping a watchful eye on Lady Clover, a nobleman’s daughter with a sharp tongue and a knack for starting fights.

Clover, too, has one goal in life, and it has nothing to do with joining dull and dry Henrik on his supply run to the northern guard post. Why the blacksmith’s son is so determined to keep her close, she has no idea. They bicker and fight, and if Clover were to find a troll pit, she would certainly dump Henrik into it.

By the time they reach their destination, they are more than ready to be rid of each other. Unfortunately, something is amiss in the northern mountains. The usually quiet aynauths are on the move, with a bloodthirsty agenda of killing the peaceful Woodmoor elves.

Putting their differences aside to work together, Henrik and Clover trek across the mountains to investigate. As they slowly unravel the mystery, uncovering clues that hint at a conspiracy against the crown, it quickly becomes apparent that what started as mutual distaste has morphed into something entirely different. Something dangerous, something they didn’t expect.

But neither Henrik nor Clover has room in their lives for love—especially when a sinister plot is already in the works that might not only tear them apart, but the entire kingdom as well…
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