Prickly and difficult, spinster schoolmarm Minerva Krenshaw hides behind her shabby dresses and sad bonnet. She’s used to being invisible—until Miss Ebony White catches her eye. Abigail Whithall escaped an abusive apprenticeship and is saving all her money from working at the Jeweled Ladies for her own dress shop. But more than the latest styles, she needs respectability—and to learn how to read. She offers to sew new clothes for the most respectable Minerva in exchange for reading lessons. But their lessons go far beyond letters. Will Minerva give in to the passion Ebony promises—or will she go back on her word?
The Jeweled Ladies series by Maggie Chase will delight fans of historical westerns by Victoria Dahl, Molly O'Keefe and Vanessa Vale. Interested in some sexy stories set in the American West? His Topaz, Their Emerald and Her Ebony will fit the bill. I look forward to seeing what Maggie Chase writes next." - Jennifer Porter, Romance Novel News
"One of the most amazing erotica series I have ever read." - Erin Penn, Goodreads
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