Ed McBain


With trademark wit and sizzling dialogue, Ed McBain unravels a mystery that takes us to the outer edge of the city and examines the dreams we chanse in the darkening hours, before the fiddlers have fled.

Most serial killers don’t shoot their victims twice in the face with a Glock. Most don’t strike five times in two weeks. And most choose their prey for a reason, not randomly.
The detectives of the 87th Precinct are stumped by a serial killer who doesn’t fit the profile. A blind violinist taking a smoke break, a cosmetics sales rep cooking an omelet in her kitchen, a college professor trudging home from class, a priest contemplating retirement in the rectory garden, an old woman walking her dogthese are the seemingly chance targets. Their only similarity seems to be age; all are just over 50. Now Steve Carella and his colleagues must learn what else—or who else—the victims had in common before another body is found.
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