
Nature for sale

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Nick Groom ponders the fate of the beleaguered British countryside and shares new theories about the economics of the natural world; En Liang Khong takes us through the increasingly global phenomenon of Japanese manga (which translates as “pictures run riot”); Damian Flanagan on Mishima, a writer who yearned to transcend time and identity

Green and Prosperous Land: A blueprint for rescuing the British countryside by Dieter Helm
Who Owns England?: How we lost our green and pleasant land and how to take it back, by Guy Shrubsole
Manga, and exhibition at the British Museum in London
Star, by Yukio Mishima; translated by Sam Bett
The Frolics of the Beasts, by Yukio Mishima; translated by Andrew Clare For information regarding your data privacy, visit acast.com/privacy
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