Melissa Collins

Let Love Be

When her husband is killed in a tragic accident, Lucy loses her desire to live, but only one thing keeps her going-her unborn daughter. Focusing on being a mother helps Lucy to cope with her loss, but kids grow up and they leave home, eventually. Eighteen years after losing her first and only love, Lucy is faced with the opportunity to find the happiness for which she's always longed.

Evan Donovan is also facing his own struggles. Forced to retire from the FDNY because of lung damage caused by 9/11, Evan moves to upstate New York, where he hopes to find a little peace and quiet. Old habits die hard, and Evan's hero complex and survivor's guilt constantly remind him of how difficult it is to be vulnerable. But for the first time in his life, he's tired of being alone.

Drawing strength from one another, Lucy and Evan discover how beautiful it is to let love be a part of their lives.

Contains mature themes.
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