
Shamans, Solo Travel and a Healing Path

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Can solo travel or any type of extended journey be a path to deep personal healing?

What you'll hear in the podcast may surprise you.

Singaporean filmmaker Malika went on a solo travel journey through Europe and South America for 3 years, ending up deep in the Peruvian jungle with Shamans and an experience with a controversial alternative medicine.

After leaving the jungle she'd never be the same.

After hearing this interview you may not be either. There are great insights here that any traveler can take away.

Support Malika's film on indiegogo before April 1st 2014!

In this episode you'll learn how Malika's journey lead to her healing. You'll also discover:

How slowly pushing past your comfort zone can be a great path to bigger adventures

Malika's childhood secret which lead her on this solo travel journey

Why travel may be the greatest education you can get

What it's like to go through a spiritual ritual in the Peruvian jungle

How Malika's trip lead to the discovery of her purpose and how it can do the same for anybody

Why being open leads to a more organic travel experience

And much more...

It's a powerful interview. I hope you enjoy it.

[Tweet "Inspiring and powerful story about one woman's travels to heal from a secret http://zerototravel.com/podcast/solo-travel-and-a-healing-path/ "]

Notes from the show

Arkayana: A Healing Journey Into the Amazon on indiegogo

Malika on Facebook and her website La Loca Colectiva

What is Ayahuasca

The Busking Project

The post Shamans, Solo Travel and a Healing Path appeared first on Zero to Travel.
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