Kilee Brookbank,Lori Highlander

Beautiful Scars

Kilee Brookbank was a typical sixteen-year-old, but her last ordinary day erupted when an explosion consumed her house, burning forty-five percent of her body and sending her to the brink of death. After thirty-eight days of surgeries, skin grafts, physical therapy, and excruciating pain, Kilee had to discover how to live again-and she did, facing her journey with determination, strength, and a positive attitude that has inspired people in her community and from around the world.
Now a thriving college student, Kilee has become an author, advocate, and philanthropist, helping other survivors through her charity, the Kilee Gives Back Foundation, and her partnership with the Shriners Hospitals and their Be Burn Aware campaign. Told together by Kilee and her mom, this updated edition of their 2016 Benjamin Franklin Award winning memoir is a story of recovery, healing, and hope, reminding us that we're never powerless, never alone, and that each challenge we face helps make us the people we're meant to be.
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